Showing posts with label Epic Poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epic Poem. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Religion says, we all have our own Satan
The art of life is, to recognize him/her/it
Satans destroy, if they can
Then it's said, implore God, to stay fit

Satan is there to test
Perhaps, years later, we discover
Satan wasn't the worst, but the best
And was only goodness' cover

It's the one thing we don't know
We're confronted, powerless
To the one who tries to make bow
Those too tired to wipe out a mess

Sooner or later we'll see & hear
Satan is nothing other than
A persistent bird reaching the ear
Focus otherwise we hopefully can

Listen differently is all we can
Shift focus in given environment
May be more heroic than
Just changing the firmament

Because our main lesson is:
There's always a Satan
Succession is their whizz
Flexibility, energy, does straighten

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Pacifian Song Against Racism

How to tackle racism?
Correct names are a traditional tool
Then we enter the minefield, the swamp, of -ism
Always someone is left out from the human pool

Dutch Black Pete isn't seen with the same standard
As is Iranian Black Pete
First is slandered, latter wins an award
Not easily, tastes meet

The name 'America' seems a strong symbol
Yet, a true perfectionist
Makes even that name crumble
Skipping Amerigo Vespucci, is truly non-racist

America needs a new, neutral name
A name that doesn't mention any people or person
Then, everyone is left out of fame
I try to suggest a new name that may be spot on

Atlantis is already taken
East India leaves too many a question
Westland is geographically always mistaken
Pacifia would be my suggestion

Native Pacifian
Caucasian Pacifian
Then the first ambiguity: Asian Pacifian ~
The first pitfall for any correct politician

Is it ever possible:
Win the fight against racism
In a way that's plausible
Without ending in dead end-activism

Any answer is appreciated
To this question that keeps many fascinated

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Waterloo II

Chère France

Comme toujours,
L'Europe est votre empire
Vous croyez contrôler l'ours
Mais, aussi, l'ours allemand navire

Votre ancien ennemi a le même rêve
Plusieurs fois, vous avez détruit l'Europe
Ayez caution que l'Europe en grève
Vous rencontra comme cauchemar en galope

Vos maîtres d'état payeront le prix
De votre ambition idiote
Excusez-moi de ce cri
Je crains, que votre avion sera sans pilote

Liebes Deutschland

Nein, Sie sind nicht immer schlimmer
Wie immer, will auch Frankreich herrschen
Mit Gewalt oder durch Schuld, wie immer
Auch jetzt, werdet Ihr Europa nicht beherrschen

Europa wünscht Euch eine schöne Badezeit
Und eine gute Euro-Zukunft zu zweit
Die Europäische Union braucht, wie jede Ehe,
Nur zwei: Euch Beide ~ bitte, jetzt gehe

Es gibt viele schöne Inseln auf dieser Welt
Genau genug für Euch, selbst ohne Geld
Armut verbieten mittels dieses Reiches
Is ein neues Waterloo ohne Gleiches

Lief België

Telkens waren jullie de klos
Maar ditmaal lijken jullie te denken
Dat jullie de rol spelen van de vos
Die zichzelf welvaart gaat schenken

Denk maar niet, dat Guy Verhofstadt
Jullie gaat helpen
Hij staat op de Brusselse mat
Inderdaad, op die mat liggen de parelschelpen

Maar ook nu zijn de parels niet voor jullie
Vergelijk Verhofstadt met de pechvogels
Uit de Nederlandse historie
Namen snijdend als 't fluiten van kogels

Quittons ce drame
Verlassen wir falsches Denkrahm
Slavernij is en blijft infaam

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

European Union & TTIP Song

Medieval Days
Revived, since we submit
To EU feudal ways
Our only shoe, it doesn't fit

The European colony
Is ordered to stay on The Shelf
France, Germany & USA hold the key
USA is comfortable on its own shelf

Then, the Sun gains strength
How we long for a free swim...!
To move at our own length
Freedom, relaxation: It's no whim

Then, suddenly The Shelf crumbles
Inevitable, with so many of us
Crooked companion Greece tumbles
Under a cage, waves are ominous

USA tries to mend the abyss
For now, with some success
Since we can't hunt, we need US gliss
Of plastic fish that does fluoresce

Fed on plastic fish, we can't focus
We're tired, or aggressive
From inside, it eats us
To nature, we can't be submissive

In the fog, no one can see Greece
It must be in the cold, black waves
One final big wave hits to release
All of us, docile slaves

We didn't want freedom
USA fruitlessly pushes us back
But, now fails its stardom,
Because our shelf isn't even a wreck

Only France and Germany,
Cling tightly to the remaining bars
That aren't yet free
A new cage they need, built from scars

As weak as we are, swim we must
Russia took Greece under its wing
Those outside who are more robust,
Are examples to which we must cling

Feudal magic couldn't save us
Like everybody else in the sea,
We must hunt and be rigorous
Only real fish will set us free

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Until the eighties,
The Dutch had a healthy diet
Season's vegetables & berries
Though the food press kept quiet

The Dutch weren't overweight
In those days of unmodified food
Grown on soil, in open air, as should
Not under glass and on a plastic plate

Food is prone to fashion
I admire & curse those making fortune
On our basic provision
Even when false may be their tune

Curly cale is a winter vegetable
Typically grown on snow land
Vitamins & minerals on your table
In Michelle Obama's garden at hand

I heard there's insatiable demand
In America, of all places
For a cale that once wasn't grand
Not seen at parties for snooty faces

Now comes a swan with high styling
The times they change
It wasn't an ugly duckling
It just looked a bit strange

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I'm bound to say a thing
Not everyone will appreciate
A knowledge realm, though working
Not flawlessly within our fate,
It's a living, existing force
A genuine human work horse

It's part of another aspect
Of humanity we shouldn't neglect
There's science, there's religious text
Yet, this third pillar not all respect
It's been put to shame
Let's restore it to (more) fame

It's mostly part of the female mind
Ok, only some of them
Too bad, even women have declined
Their own gem
That may distinguish them from
Many others in the human kingdom

Maybe the 'spirits' use them
For their own ambition
And maybe some of them
Miss talent & inspiration
Like some scholars & scientists
Who were failures or antagonists

This realm is called clairvoyance
Also I took my chance
Even the police consult them
At this place, why not thank them
For anything that could ease
A wandering mind in clouded seas

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Smile on a humorist face
Over US-information misfortune
Who holds the ace
When gloating over a broken balloon

It’s inappropriate to gloat
Over the sanctity of the human body
In the information race, it’s scape goat
Decency is always in custody

I’m glad they spy on EU-politicians
Europe has a long history
Of war crimes on civilians
USA’s rescue role is no mystery

President Vladimir Putin says
Edward Snowden must stop
Releasing US-info that’s not his
Does Putin have a point or a flop?

European states offended Bolivia’s president
To the core, over Edward Snowden
The president morally won at this event
What happened then?

Snowden now wants to stay with the Russians
Russia wants to abandon computers
For reliable German typewriters
Espionage is a world of comedians

It’s too tempting for governments
Not to eavesdrop
At the others’ moments
It’s a sad flop

Reading piles of love letters
Advertising mails
Among all those tales
Rarely a thing that ‘matters’

I see no real hero
A spy is, in the eyes
Of the own party, a zero;
Beast of burden under other skies

It is true that the issues are sad
From privacy to the Syrian war
It is true so much of it is bad
We see things decent people abhor

Yet, key figures here make me smile
The clash of personalities who are
Gifted with their charismatic style
We must bear more than one star

Russia, once first on spying,
First on violence in prison,
Now Vladimir Putin is champion
For the free nation’s failing

Vladimir Putin offers safety
To Edward Snowden
And Barack Obama then
Refuses Putin’s hospitality

Yet the US-president
Still has the intent
To relate with, visit Russia
Thus politicians pass this arena

How to summarize this schism
It’s the theater of whataboutism
I stopped judging
Yet admire individuals shining

Dutch police beat up Russian diplomat
Strangers beat up Dutch diplomat
Who should be tamed?
Should I be ashamed?

You really think
Holland will punish
Public officials who stink?
It never does, here to our anguish

First he enlarged his power
Now he granted amnesty by law
He will shine like a sunlit flower
Some politicians have a colorful paw

Khodorkovsky spent 10 loud years in jail
He did all but shut up in his cell
The president took a chance to do well
At his request his president didn’t fail
To at last release him
Was it a genuine soft spot, a ruse, or a whim?

Offended to be released
What is a prison camp for?
Is it supposed to be a feast
When, to most, it’s a place to abhor

Ukraine’s president is playing hooky
I would smile if it weren’t so sad
Cutting off opponents’ ear is no cooky
Many a leader has gone full-blown mad

Earlier, Dutch Internal Affairs Minister
Had claimed NSA spies heavily here
Defense Minister says Dutch intelligence spies here
It’s pathetic rather than sinister

Dutch Internal Affairs had knowingly
Hidden Dutch Intelligence role
His black innocent eyes work forgivingly
NSA wasn’t the mole

Who spies on who?
The USA on China?
Or is it vice versa?
Most likely, mutuality is true

Secret services form a state
Within appreciated nations’ state
They lead lives of their own
Away from people, politics, they’ve grown

American people have reached out to me
Reliability I do see
Yet, meddling with foreign lands is unlucky
Withdrawal will set them free

Eastern Europe gained freedom
Western Europe lost that
It’s a long way from
A wall fallen flat